Terms of Use

Effective January 25, 2016

This page contains our policies regarding our terms of use when using our Service and associated governing laws


By accessing Research And Me, you agree to the following terms and conditions (the "Terms"). You are legally bound by these Terms, which is between you and Research And Me Inc (alternatively referred to as Research And Me, Research & Me, ResearchAndMe Inc, or ResearchAndMe).

These Terms provide the agreement under which a user ("User"), an individual (the "Participant") looking to participate in a research study or other opportunity ("Study") or an individual posting Studies ("Researcher"), may use the Research And Me website and services ("Website"). This Website is operated by Research And Me or its subsidiaries (together, and with their parent corporations, other subsidiaries and affiliates, "we", or "us").

The Website is operated in the United States of America. Access to the Website is governed by these Terms and Conditions under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and the United States. Registration as a User on the Website results in your information being stored and processed in the United States, and you specifically consent to Research And Me's storage and processing of the personal data you submit. You may access your information at any time to confirm its correctness and to keep it current in connection with your registration.

The Website provided herein is intended for adults. When a minor uses the Website, the parent or guardian of that minor will be held responsible for the minor's actions.

These Terms, including all terms, conditions and policies incorporated herein by reference, together with any legal notices published on the Website, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Research And Me concerning the Website. If you don't agree with any of these Terms, or if you have any objections to our Privacy Policy you must not use the Website or any Research And Me services.

You acknowledge and agree that Research And Me may terminate your access to any of its services should you fail to comply with the Terms or any other guidelines and rules published by Research And Me. Any such termination shall be in Research And Me's sole discretion and may occur without prior notice, or any notice. Research And Me may revise these Terms at any time by posting an updated version to the Website, such updated terms being binding on User.


The content and information displayed on Research And Me is the property of Research And Me. The downloading, reproduction, or retransmission of any of the content, other than for non-commercial individual use, is strictly prohibited.


User agrees not to:

  • (a) use the Services for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited in these Term;

  • (b) use any data mining, gathering or extraction methods;

  • (c) use or develop any third-party applications that interact with other users' content or the Services without our written consent;

  • (d) reverse engineer Research And Me, in whole or in part;

  • (e) transmit, post, distribute, store or destroy material contained on Research And Me, in violation of any applicable law or regulation, including but not limited to laws or regulations governing the collection, processing or transfer of personal information, or in breach of Research And Me's Privacy Policy;

  • (f) violate or attempt to violate the security of Research And Me;

  • (g) aggregate, copy or duplicate any information contained on the Website, other than permitted by these Terms;

  • (h) access data not intended for User or logging into an account that User is not authorized to access;

  • (i) use or attempt to use another user's account, username, or password without their permission;

  • (j) link to any information available on the Website, unless permitted by these terms;

  • (k) post any content or material that is false or misleading, promotes illegal activities, hacking, or contains computer viruses or pirating media;

  • (l) post content that contains pornography, graphic violence, threats, hate speech, or incitements to violence;

  • (m) solicit personal information such as social security numbers, driver's license numbers, bank account numbers and/or passwords, other financial information and/or medical information;

  • (n) send unsolicited mail or email, or make unsolicited phone calls, or engage in any other unsolicited communication to any User;

  • (o) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of our Services or any system or network;

  • (p) attempt to interfere with the service to any User, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus or other malicious actions to Research And Me;

  • (q) encourage or promote any activity that violates these Terms


Research And Me is designed to connect Participants with Researchers both on and offline. User agrees and acknowledges that Research And Me is entitled to modify, suspend, or discontinue services without notice to the User for any reason at any time. Research And Me may be used only by Participants and by Researchers seeking to recruit Participants for a specific upcoming Study.



By signing up for any of the various services available on Research And Me, Participant submits all personal information at their own risk. Participant also agrees, by registering with the Website, to be contacted by email or by phone by Researcher or by Research And Me.

Participant shall not provide false information to Research And Me, including but not limited to account information, personal information, and pre-screening information. Any information Participant submits to the Research And Me must be an accurate description of themselves. Participant understands that they may submit no information to Research And Me or for a particular Study, but that may disqualify them from participating in a given Study.

Information provided by Participants on Research And Me is used solely to match Participants with a Study posted by a Researcher. Studies are not administered by Research And Me and all information provided by Participant for a Study is collected directly by the Researcher conducting the Study.

If User allows Research And Me access to the User's social media accounts, User agrees that Research And Me may access these accounts and access information contained therein for the purpose of better matching the Participant with relevant Studies.


Compensation for Participant's participation in a Study is the sole responsibility of the Researcher conducting the Study. The Participant agrees to contact the Researcher conducting the Study with any questions, concerns or disputes concerning Study compensation. Research And Me does not compensate in any amount for study participation, nor does it set compensation for or by researchers.

The Participant acknowledges that the pre-screening information they provide will be used to determine Study eligibility and does not constitute Study participation. Participant agrees that they will not request compensation from Research And Me or Researcher for providing pre-screen information.


Research And Me does not run its own studies. The Participant understands that each researcher and study is different and may or may not provide compensation or incentives for participation.

The Participant acknowledges that information contained in Study descriptions on the Website is provided directly by the Researcher, and not Research And Me. Research And Me makes no warranties or representations as to the information provided by the Researcher. Research And Me disclaims any liability, and is not liable for damages or injury caused by such information, or for failure to remove such information from Research And Me. The Participant should notify Research And Me if he/she believes a Study description is inaccurate, misleading or false. While Research And Me will attempt to provide accurate information, and will remove, at its discretion, any Study description that is inaccurate, misleading or false, Research And Me is under no obligation to do so. The Participant acknowledges that Research And Me shall not be held liable for information that the Researcher provides to Research And Me or to any third-party website. Research And Me will not be held liable for any debt or damage resulting from interactions between Researcher and Participant should a Participant choose to participate in a Study.

The Website contains links to third-party websites. These links are provided for the Participant's convenience. The Company is not responsible for the content or operation of linked third-party websites, and the Participant accesses these websites at their own risk.

Participant is permitted to share links regarding an upcoming Study by email, text message or social media.



Research And Me may be used only to recruit for a specific Study, and not to create a separate list or database of Users' information. Creation of separate databases, lists, or cataloguing of Research And Me Participants to be used for Studies other than the specific Study is prohibited. The Researcher shall not collect Participant contact information including phone numbers, email addresses, or social media information for anything other than the specific Study, or use such contact information to recruit Participants for other Studies. Only the Researcher or those having the express consent of the Researcher performing the Study may post a Study on Research And Me.

The Researcher shall not include in any Study description any hyperlinks or contact information unless authorized by Research And Me. Any unauthorized contact information will be removed by Research And Me, and written notice may be given of such removal to the Researcher.

By way of example only, third party recruiters are not allowed to repost Studies in order to sell Participant information to the Study's true owner. Third parties are also not allowed to create studies for the purpose of, or which result in, compiling lists of Participants to be used or resold at a later time. Research And Me approves all studies prior to posting and reserves the right to remove studies from Research And Me if it is found that Researcher does not have express consent to post the Study.

The Researcher is solely responsible for its studies posted to Research And Me. The Researcher shall provide a factually accurate description of the Study, the exact compensation or range of compensation that will be given to Participants, and a clear description of Participant qualifications. The Researcher shall not post information that is inaccurate, false or misleading. If Study information provided by the Researcher is determined at the discretion of Research And Me to be confusing, inaccurate, false or misleading, Research And Me may at its sole discretion alter the Study description or remove the Study from the Website.

The Researcher shall not require as part of any Study participation to purchase goods or services, or otherwise spend Participant money or engage in any financial transaction outside of Participant receiving compensation from Researcher for participation in a Study. The Researcher will not request or collect a Participant's personal banking information, social security number, driver license number, or any other similar information. The Researcher will not sell Participant information and shall use the information in accordance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws. The Researcher will make every reasonable effort to keep any other collected information secure and assumes all liability for any information collected from the Participant.

Research And Me reserves the right to decline any User or Study for any reason.

The Researcher grants Research And Me the right to use its name, logo and other marks in connection with their Studies posted on the Website, and in the promotion of upcoming Studies and/or advertising material.

The Researcher may publish the Research And Me URL and other URLs provided by Research And Me in connection with any Study posted by the Researcher on Research And Me.


The Researcher is solely responsible for the compensation of all Participants who qualify for and participate in any Study posted by the Researcher on Research And Me. The Researcher may not represent or imply that compensation may be the responsibility of any third party, including but not limited to Research And Me.


Researcher shall indemnify and defend Research And Me, its agents, affiliates, and licensors from any Participant or other third-party claim or liability (including without limitation reasonable legal fees) arising out of any information that Researcher provides to Research And Me or any contact Researcher has with Participants.


Research And Me may promote each study through various channels to increase participant viewing of the study. Such channels may include but are not limited to the Research And Me website, partner websites, and/or social media advertising. A researcher may request via email or the "contact us" link to Research And Me for the study not to be advertised on specific channels or to limit the study advertisement only to the Research And Me website. Research And Me may also aggregate descriptions of studies running at any one time and promote that data to increase participant viewing of studies.


Research And Me may contain or reference trademarks, patents, copyrighted materials, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes or other proprietary rights belonging to Research And Me and/or other parties. No license to or right in any such trademarks, patents, copyrighted materials, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes and other proprietary rights of Research And Me and/or other parties is granted to or conferred upon User.

Other than uses expressly set forth herein, User shall not use any mark, logo or trade dress of Research And Me without prior written authorization from Research And Me.




Research And Me shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from direct or indirect contact with any party through the use of the Research And Me service. These damages include, but are not limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, business reputation, goodwill, or any other intangible loss arising out of the use of or inability to use any services provided through the Website. Research And Me employs all commercially feasible ways to verify the integrity of each Researcher, but makes no guarantees as to the true intentions of any Researcher. The above limitation shall apply whether or not Research And Me has been advised of or should have been aware of such damages. In jurisdictions where the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not permitted, Research And Me's liability is limited to the greatest extent as permitted by law.


The Terms will be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. Any action seeking legal or equitable relief arising out of or relating to the Website shall only be brought within a court of competent jurisdiction within the city, county and State of Pennsylvania. And by use of the Research And Me service, User submits to the personal jurisdiction of such state or federal courts located in Pennsylvania.


User understands and agrees that the above terms constitute the entire general agreement between User and Research And Me. User may be subject to additional terms when using, purchasing, or accessing other services, affiliate services, or third party content or material.


Research And Me reserves the right to make changes to the Terms at any time without notice to User.


If there are any questions or concerns about the Terms or anything concerning the Website, please contact us at info@researchandme.com. All other notices, including legal notices, must be sent to Research And Me Inc, 435 E. Hawley St. #1051, Mundelein, IL 60060 via first class mail or overnight courier, and are deemed made upon receipt.

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